Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted! Sorry! Unfortunately there hasn't been much to report. I had bronchitis last week so I've just been taking it easy because of that. I'm feeling better but the antibiotics are making me feel pretty nauseous. Tonight is the last night thankfully!

Next week I'm going to America! There is another bayram here, this time it is called the Kurban bayram which is characterized by animals being slaughtered...Most of the meat is given to poor people, and the families keep a little for themselves. I've heard you can see animals being killed on the streets and you'll see blood everywhere so I'm a little relieved to be leaving the country during this time! I understand it is a religious and cultural thing but it's just a little too much for me.

Anyway I'm going to go lie down and sip some ginger tea. I hope this nausea goes away soon! Sorry again for the lack of updates but hopefully there will be some more in the future. Take care!