Saturday, February 28, 2009

2 more weeks

I survived another week! This week felt particularly long because they made us come in on Monday (we have a three day weekend) to observe for 2 hours (we need 6 hours of observing teachers); the anticipation and journey there and back took up my whole afternoon. They were going to make us come back this Monday for ONE hour but I luckily they realized what a terrible and unfair idea that was.

The biggest news from this week is sad; Jen, a girl on the course who I did my interview with, found out she has breast cancer. She has had to return back to the States. We've messaged back and forth a bit and she sounds okay, just kind of in shock, like the rest of us are. She is only 29! A good lesson for all of us, and it makes you put things into perspective. We also lost Liam because the course was just a little overwhelming for him, so now there are only 4 of us!

Thursday was our last day of teaching the elementary students, now we will do our next 3 hours teaching the intermediates who we met on Friday. They are quite good and challenging and demanding, meaning much scarier. It's good for me though so I am prepared for the real world, but ugh.

Other than that, things are the same. Absolutely no sun, and it is driving me crazy. Gloomy, rainy, wet, windy. Hopefully March will bring new weather! Once this course is over I think I will take some private Turkish lessons from a Bogazici student, which I think is exactly what I need.

Time to clean up the apartment! Hooray for free time!

1 comment:

  1. wow, sally, this program sounds so intense! take it easy and take care of yourself, ok? hope all is well!
