No excuses for not writing - sorry! Actually my pictures were on Sinan's camera but I also haven't been doing much to report on. On Saturday night it was Basak and Cagdas's wedding - my roommates from my first 4 months here - it was really nice and in a beautiful location at Bogazici University, where they met each other. It was really nice of them to let Sinan and I come, because there weren't even that many people there, and I was clearly the only native English speaker. It started at 7 with cocktails, then the ceremony was at 7:30, and it took place outside. It was quite short - Basak and Cagdas walk out of the house (there's a historic house on the property) together, go sit at a table, and a woman with a microphone asked them questions, I think asking about family names. Then I heard them say yes and yes and then they were married! Pretty quick and easy. Then they have to go kiss and say hi to everyone! You don't bring wedding presents, but instead just give money or gold. I think that's a pretty good idea actually. You can only use so many vases and flour jars. She was carrying around a very tasteful little lacy basket that people drop things into. After they greeted everyone, we went to go eat and there was an enormous amount of food, it was pretty good. At about 9:30, dancing started, and I think that was the plan until midnight. Sinan and I left at 9:40 - he to watch a soccer game and me to unwind because I had work, and also conveniently when the dancing started...
Sinan has been to several weddings but in his hometown, and this was his first "modern" wedding. The more traditional weddings he has been to, there is no alcohol, only things like Coke and Fanta. After the ceremony, people make a line to go greet the newly-weds, and there they put money or gold on the bride's dress. There isn't food - you eat before you come. Also, the setting is in a big wedding hall, not so much the outdoor settings. I must say, I really liked Basak and Cagdas's wedding, it was so tasteful and minimal, yet still memorable and lovely. There were a few tables with snacks on them, a few chairs for the elderly, the table for them to sit at, and some tiki tiki torches creating a path for them to walk out in. There was a lot of food but nothing overly fancy, and the tables nicely decorated. It was really nice, and now I'll show you some pictures.
Basak, the bride, and I.
I like Cagdas's face here, although it's a little difficult to see. He's letting out a big breath of air, you can see his pursed (?) lips. I know they weren't nervous about marrying each other, they've been together for 5 years, but I think they were just overwhelmed and exhausted.
Pretty nice setting for a wedding I think...
Table decorations
Burcu and Basak dancing. Burcu is Basak's sister, and she's a kind of famous actress in Turkey. She's very glamorous looking, and I gave her an English lesson! Then she finally decided to go to the US for 2 months, and she just got back.
Thanks for your lovely comments:)You are the best roommate we ever had....