Oops! I didn't realize it had been so long since I updated - sorry! Sinan and his roommates have been moving their apartment so I've been helping out with that, I haven't gone on any adventures lately. In case you are wondering, the floods that you may be reading about are far away from me. It really is quite sad but maybe it will be a wake-up call for the atrocious amount of cement this city has. Unfortunately it takes bad events like this for cities to realize where their weaknesses are.
Anyway, I decided to start a little garden in my room. I'm definitely not known for having a green thumb, but I decided to give it a shot. It's too bad I decided to start NOW, in September when things are getting cool and there is less sunlight but it's been fun. So far the nasturtiums, parsley, lettuce, spinach, and the basil are growing - I'm still waiting on the peppers and pansies.

My room looks so messy! Eek!
Sally - good girl for gardening - I just planted lettuce! I'm so glad to see where you live and hear that you are well - xo Evelyn