As some of you may know, Istanbul is the European Capital of Culture for 2010 (along with 7 other cities). You can read more about it here: Anyway, to officially begin this, many events were held on Saturday the 16th, one of which was a free Tarkan concert! A group of 6 (all foreigners) went and stood in the cold rain to watch. He started early, we weren't smothered by a crowd at all, and he really really puts on a good show - the best way I can put it is that it really seems like he loves performing - he's so happy and comfortable up on the stage. Ok, and I actually didn't see him because we were too far back and there was some equipment in the way, but there were big screens. We were surrounded by Turks so excited and in love with him, it was great. It was a fun night and I'm glad I went.
A biigg video of Tarkan
Probably a funny sight for the Turks - who knew so many foreigners were fans of Tarkan?
Some fireworks before the show.
This is a quick clip of part of the concert - not long at all. I hope it works!
Great article! But it was 2 other cities in Hungary and Germany :) If you are a Tarkan fan you should check out Tarkan Deluxe, it's a great site!