Sunday, April 4, 2010


This was such a nice week because I had visitors from out of town! Ms 'Ancy and Ms Bliss came out to Turkey from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Of course the reason wasn't exclusively me, but we were able to cross paths a couple of times while they were here. Before settling into Istanbul they flew out to Cappadocia upon their arrival. It sounded like they had an absolutely wonderful time there with a great home-y hotel, lots of new friends, a cooking class, a non-pushy Turkish carpet salesman, and many other good times. I'm glad they made it out there before the crowds were there so they were able to really enjoy the Turkish cultural and hospitality. I got to see Ms Ancy and Ms Bliss their first morning in Istanbul, first we had a lovely and delicious breakfast and then we went to the Spice Bazaar which is always fun because there is so much to look at. I saw them again last night when we went to dinner at a BEAUTIFUL location, at the top of a hotel right in between the Hagia Sofia and the Blue Mosque and with a view of the Bosphorus. It got a little chilly but we couldn't bear to go inside because the view just wouldn't have been the same.
I was so happy to hear that they really really had a great time in Turkey. They found the people so helpful and outgoing, and they also enjoyed the culture, the food, and the monuments. It was so nice to have people come out (not just because they brought goodies from my parents sent...mmmm Reese's and jellybeans...) but it's fun to see someone familiar and also, this has been my city for the last 14 months and I want to show people around it and share the experiences with people who would appreciate it. If you are thinking of coming out this way, please do! I'm pretty sure you won't regret it. I have another friend coming in this evening, so I hope she feels the same way. Here are some pictures taken from where we ate dinner last night:

The Hagia Sophia

The Blue Mosque

The Hagia Sofia, all lit up

And the Blue Mosque


If this video doesn't make you want to come to Turkey, then I don't know what will.


  1. So beautiful Sally! And what a fun couple of visitors. xo Happy Easter, Evelyn

  2. Sally, being with you was a wonderful addition to an already extrordinary adventure! Your enthusiam for "Your City" is contagious- and thoroughly justified- what an exciting and inspiring place to live- as we discussed, really worthy of awesome! Thanks for giving us an 'insider's' view of the sites. Hugs, "Ms Bliss"
