The first night in Trabzon, we stayed at Cengiz's friend's house. I shared a room with his friend's mom, and the apartment was just a typical, Turkish apartment, and I snapped a few pictures to show you.
This set of tables is something you'll most likely find in any traditional Turkish apartment. It's mostly used when guest come over and you need places for them to put their cups of tea and small plates of cookies and slices of cake. In addition to the tables, Turks love fake flowers and lacy things covering tables, TVs, shelves etc. To top this picture off, there is a bottle of lemon cologne which you offer to guests to clean their hands with after eating something.
More lace, to cover the phone.
View from a place we visited after breakfast on Saturday. Quite lovely!
Like I said in the previous post, just coke, fanta and salty cookies (pretty good actually...and salty in that they are not sweet).
At Turkish weddings, they don't give gifts, but instead either cash, pieces of gold which you pin onto the bride or groom, or gold bracelets for the bride. I think it's a great system personally. This couple must have made so so so much money because for 45 minutes (not exaggerating) people were lining up and giving money. They must have made thousands and thousands of lira.
This could be a nice picture if it wasn't for my slightly surprised chipmunk look.
I want to put up some more videos of dancing/the music, I will do that later!
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